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By December 18, 2018December 9th, 2019Buying Process, New Construction

When you’ve owned a home for a while, it’s often time to update outdated aspects of the house. Sometimes, however, remodeling can lead to a renovation (whole-house makeover). It’s at this time you need to ask yourself, “Should I just build new instead?”It can be a daunting decision; here are a few things to think about.

  • Remodeling can be a bigger job than you originally thought. Even if you’ve gotten several estimates, there are often hidden problems (code violations, outdated electrical wiring, broken submerged pipes, etc.) that expand the scope of the remodel job – adding extra cost.
  • When you’re home building from the ground up, you know what you’re getting. Home buyers get inspections, but inspectors can’t find everything. New home building ensures building and safety codes are being met and will be up-to-date.
  • Remodel isn’t for everyone. Remodeling jobs often don’t go as quickly as you hope. You may be looking at a home that’s in a state of chaos for a while. By contrast, new home building doesn’t have to take a long time. You can have a brand new home, often in around 6 months, – and construction won’t be disrupting your daily life.
  • You can build a custom home to fit your needs. There’s no compensating for previous owners mistakes, or old, impractical and outdated building methods. When you build, your home is being built for you and your family’s immediate needs. Most builders have floor plans you can start with, or they will be able to work with plans you provide.
  • Remodeling isn’t always practical. This can be true for a lot of reasons, from the condition of the home, to an inability to relocate during a major renovation, to pricing your home out of the neighborhood. Deciding to build new is just a better choice in some situations.

The decision to build a new home doesn’t have to be a difficult one. Experience Homes can help make your new home a reality with our Home Trade-in Program. When you decide to build a new home with us, we can buy your existing home, putting your equity aside as a downpayment on your new build. This means no realtor fees, no house showings and the easiest move of your life. Contact us today.